- Senk, Kaitlin. 2022. “When Do Women Represent Women's Rights: Exploring Seniority and Political Security.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 11(5): 1077-97.
- Adams, James, David Bracken, Noam Gidron, Will Horne, Diana Z. O’Brien and Kaitlin Senk. 2022 “Can’t We All Just Get Along? How Women MPs Can Ameliorate Affective Polarization in Western Publics.” American Political Science Review 117(1): 318-324.
- Selected by APSA’s Public Scholarship Program and featured in Political Science Now
- Winner of the 2023 CSES GESIS Klingemann Prize
- Senk, Kaitlin. 2021. “Are Women Less Effective at Passing Bills? Exploring the Direct and Indirect Effects of Gender.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 46(3): 791-816.
- Senk, Kaitlin, Jessica Edry, and Nicholas Coulombe. “Women’s Legislative Representation and State Ratification Behavior.” Politics & Gender.
- Pascu-Lindner, Andra and Kaitlin Senk. “Where are all the Women Prime Ministers? Voter Evaluations of Women Leaders.” Invited to Revise and Resubmit
- Adams, James, David Bracken, Noam Gidron, Will Horne, Seonghui Lee, Diana Z. O’Brien, Philip Santoso, Kaitlin Senk and Randolph T. Stevenson. “Gender Inclusivity Shifts Parties’ Images Leftward: Observational and Experimental Evidence.” Under Review
- Tirado Castro, Alejandro and Kaitlin Senk. “Polarized Hearts and Minds: Gender Differences in Affective Polarization.”
All drafts available upon request.